Gray Hawk
(Buteo plagiatus)

Gray Hawk Image by David Brandes

The 10-year migration count trends for the Gray Hawk suggest stable populations as signaled by the two fall count sites in Veracruz, Mexico. Cardel recorded the highest average count of 2,072 individuals, which was a statistically significant stable count. Twenty-year count trends suggested stable and increased fall counts (Gulf Region: 1 stable, 1 increase). The Gray Hawk is a Species of Least Concern, designated by IUCN red list, however, it is listed as a Species of Concern by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and by the state of Arizona. It is listed as Threatened in Texas. In Mexico it is listed as “Subject to Special Protection”. Shooting and trapping remains a threat in the non-United States portion of its range, as multiple banded individuals have been recovered after being shot. Habitat loss due to wood cutting and overgrazing is a primary concern and has altered its distribution in Texas and Arizona. Groundwater depletion has also resulted in withdrawal of the species from areas that were historically populated.


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